It was a great pleasure to welcome at BIOGEOS and EPFL Dr. Nimisha Roy as an academic guest. Dr. Roy is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Geosystems group of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech, US. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computational Science and Engineering from Georgia Tech in December 2021, under the supervision of Prof. David Frost. Her Ph.D. thesis, funded by US National Science Foundation, focused on characterizing the three-dimensional pore space architecture of particulate materials and its applications in the mechanics of geomaterials and biocemented sands under static and dynamic loading. Dr Roy has received several awards as a graduate student and undergraduate instructor at Georgia Tech. She has published over 20 journal and conference papers. From Fall 2022, she has been appointed as a Lecturer in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech.
Dr Roy stayed at the Laloui Group this summer for 1.5 month and worked on applying her computational approaches to the characterization of the 3D pore and contact network of bio-cemented granular packings. She has also presented her work in this field, in collaboration with Dr Dimitrios Terzis, at AGU Fall 2021 Conference. On 4th of July she presented her contributions to research at a seminar attended by the Laloui Group.