Official kick-off for BIOGEOS at EPFL
November 1st marks the official launch of BIOGEOS (Bio-mediated Geo-material Strengthening). BIOGEOS receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under an ERC Advanced Grant (grant agreement no 788587). The grant is awarded to Prof. Lyesse Laloui, head of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory (LMS) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). BIOGEOS explores bio-mediated ground improvement, within the broader framework of multiphysical processes in sustainable Geotechnics. Its overarching goal is to establish a new paradigm in research and development for geo-technical applications, by developing, delivering and mastering nature-inspired solutions for real-world geotechnical problems. Within the project’s mission are the design, testing and ultimately standardization of innovative solutions, which combine techno-economic efficiency with environmental responsibility.
Coordinator: Prof. Lyesse Laloui
Host Institution: Swiss Federal University of Technology, EPFL
Timeframe: 5 years (1/11/2018-31/10/2023)
Budget: ca. 2.5 M €
Twitter: @biogeosH2020